Unlimited WoW LvL 255
Patch: 3.3.5a
Server features:
- Instant 255 - Balanced Classes - Custom Instances - Custom Tier 1 to Tier 13 & PvP Sets - Gurubashi Arena - Working Battlegrounds & Arena - Custom Gems & Enchants - Instant Professions - Custom Quests & World Bosses - All classes unlocked for every race - Special PvP reward per kill system - VIP & VOTE Items - Custom Weapons & Weapon Upgrades - Special Morphs - Transmog system & Transmog Mall - Boosted spells & talents
Instances Info
- Razorfen Kraul: Tier 1 Armor - Ragefire Chasm: Tier 1 Weapons - Onyxia's Lair: Tier 2 - Shadowfang Keep: Tier 3 Weapons - Pit of Saron: Tier 3 and Tier 4 - Scarlet Monastery: Tier 5 - Deadmines: Tier 6 - Gundrak: Tier 7 - Vault of Archavon: Tier 8 - Zul'Aman: Tier 8 - Gruul's Lair: Tier 12 - The Arcatraz: Tier 13 |

Please download our custom patch & clear your WDB folder.
Some Item/NPC names will be wrong in case you do not remove your cache (WDB Folder)
You might get errors and some features will not work without our patch. You can download it here: download