Unlimited-WoW Staff would like to present the new Tier 24 instance.
Naxxramas will be a place that provides you with a chance of obtaining newest Tier set on Unlimited-WoW.
Years ago, the crypt lord Anub'arak led an army of undead warriors into the ancient nerubian ziggurat now known as Naxxramas.
The Scourge forces overran the citadel, and under the will of the Lich King its corridors were transformed into a potent war machine.
Dark magic tore the fortress from its subterranean home and lifted it into the sky.
Hidden behind a thick layer of clouds, Naxxramas grew in strength.
With the release of Naxxramas, we will spawn a new PvP vendor where you can obtain all Tier 24 items through PvP.
Tier 24 Naxxramas Attunement is now available at the Key Quest NPC.
Additional Info:
- There are 8 bosses in Naxxramas and some areas are closed to save time.
- Orb of Naxxramas (teleporter) is spawned at the end of each wing (4 Wings in total).
- Honor & Arena Points will reset.
- Tier 23 will become a solo raid.
- Donor & VIP Gear will be boosted/buffed at the release.
Patch-7: In case you've installed our custom patch-7 from the Dungeon Finder Update already, there is no need to download it again. It contains T24 content already. (Last update: 04 September 2022)
Patch-7 Installation Guide:
1) Download our new custom Patch (60mb) here: : https://unlimited-wow.com/downloads/patch-7.mpq
2) Close WoW and remove your WDB folder (cache).
3) Open up the "World of Warcraft" DATA directory. The default directory is "C:\World of Warcraft 3.3.5a\Data" Place the patch-7.MPQ file here. (In case you have patch-7 already replace it with the new patch.)
Important: Make sure the name of the patch is "patch-7.mpq" and not "patch-7.mpq (1).
Tier 24 will be released on Thursday, September 15th 2022